CMSNE 2022 Annual Conference
Adapting to the Everchanging Panorama of Healthcare:
Lessons Learned & Moving Forward
Monday, September 26 and Tuesday, September 27, 2022
Southbridge Convention Center, Southbridge, MA
Monday, September 26, 2022
the focus of the session will be the impact of COVID on the Long Term Care availability and
In this session, we will explore some common ethical themes that arise in the acute care setting and how these were impacted by the pandemic; how Case Management and Palliative Care can work together to foster resolution; and how legal implications, culture and implicit bias can influence decision making.
The most vulnerable members of our communities have a higher utilization of Emergency Department care for their urgent and unscheduled healthcare needs. A mobile integrated health/community paramedicine program can impact this through in-home assessment & treatment, & further the Quintuple Aim of better healthcare focusing on health equity, improved outcomes of care, improved patient experience, lower healthcare costs & workforce well-being.
Identifying and Addressing Survivors of Interpersonal Violence:
The Implications of Services Through the Pandemic and Beyond
Sherri Goodell and Kristina Cates, New Hope, Inc.
focus of session will be on the increase of Domestic Violence during the Pandemic and
new approaches/programs to address the issue
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
This session will give a brief overview of autism diagnosis and treatment options and discuss co-occurring conditions. Also discussed will be the impact of virtual care on health care for people with ASD.
Understanding the Invisible Wounds of Military Service
This session will focus on understanding how invisible wounds of military service may impact
case management with Veterans and Military Families. Topics will include applying a cultural
humility approach to working with families impacted by military service/life, discussion of key
clinical issues impacting the psychosocial well-being for Veterans and Military-Connected
Families, and tools to assess behavioral health needs of Veterans, Service Members, and their
families and identify appropriate interventions and resources for support
Banish Burnout and Bounce Back!
Are you exhausted, overwhelmed and agitated – and you haven’t even left for work yet? Are you so tuckered out that you wish that your cubicle came with turn down service and a wake-up call? If you’ve been multi-tasking so much that professional plate-spinners would be jealous, well crash and burn no more! Work-related burnout is one of the major causes of absenteeism in the workplace. As we have inherited increasing responsibilities in life, it is more important than ever to pace oneself to maintain health, vitality and life balance. Discover how to banish burnout, recharge, and enhance your health and resilience.
It’s important to learn how to take your work seriously while taking yourself more lightly since today’s workplace challenges demand high performance of employees. Studies show that motivation and productivity improve when stress management techniques are applied consistently. Stress is the body’s response to any demand made upon it. These demands can be positive, negative, or neutral, depending on how they are interpreted. Learn practical suggestions to handling work-related pressures in an effective, productive and upbeat manner. When life is a mess, remember not to stress!