Session I – Artificial Intelligence – Is it a Professional Case Manager’s Friend or Foe?
Lynn S. Muller, JD, BA-HCM, CCM, RN
Session II – Redefining Utilization Management: The Role of AI
Miriam Moerbe, MS, BSN, RN, Sr Clinical Integration Analyst at MCG Health
Session III – Our Health Systems: Is it Age-Friendly?
Peter Baker, LCSW, MaineHealth, Program Manager: Geriatrics, Centers for Health Improvement, Healthy Aging
Session IV – Finding the Voice of the Patient in our Automated World: The Role of AI in the Interpretation and Translation Industry
Malvina Gregory, Director, MaineHealth Interpreter & Cross-Cultural Services
Session V – Meeting People Where They’re At: Mobile Health and Harm Reduction for Patient Experiencing Homelessness
Malia Haddock, MS, PMHNP-BC, lead clinician, CONNECT Program
Exhibitor Listing
Conference Opening Slide Content
Conference Bibliography
Conference Bibliography