New Hampshire Events

Your New Hampshire Extension needs your help…….would you like to win a wonderful basket full of New Hampshire goodies?   

Happy Spring.  This is certainly a challenging time for us all both personally and professionally as the COVID 19 virus is present.
Some of our educational programs that were all booked for the spring have unfortunately been canceled.
These are challenging times for workplaces, employers, and employees both in the healthcare industry and the private sector.  We need to be flexible as this virus runs its course.  We will keep you updated on the status of programs and ask for your understanding as we figure out the best way to continue to offer education but while keeping everyone safe.  Many case managers are being told by their employers they cannot attend programs at this time and we have to be sensitive to the cost of programs and best practices.
We hope to get back on track and get programs lined up as able.  In the meantime we encourage you to stay in touch and share ideas for future programs and we will do our best to reschedule the ones that have been canceled when we are able.
We are always looking for members to become more involved and welcome you to take a few minutes and chat with Jamie and I at the next conference to see how to become more involved.  There is so much to offer with CMSNE from networking to educational opportunities and we look forward to working with you more.
Submitted by Marta Silakka CMSNE NH Extension Chair

New Hampshire Events

At this time all CMSNE events are virtual.   Refer to the Chapter Events page for upcoming events.

Date & Location

Program Title


Please note: Members are reminded to register early for CMSNE programs. Programs failing to meet a minimum required registration limit 10 days prior to the program will be cancelled.

In the event you are unable to attend a program for which you registered, you must notify CMSNE 12 business hours in advance. CMSNE enforces its registration cancellation policy. Members will be billed at the non-member rate if they fail to comply with the cancellation policy. The member is also disqualified from future pre-registration. CMSNE urges you to review the Meeting Registration Cancellation policy.

Content and views presented in educational programs are those of the presenter. CMSNE endorses the pursuit of educational opportunities, however attendees should exercise their own professional and independent judgment when interpreting program content.

In the event of inclement weather, contact the CMSNE business office (603) 329-7481 to ensure the program will proceed as scheduled.