CMSNE 35th Annual Conference
The Ethical Evolution of Healthcare – Keeping it Human
Saturday, November 2, 2024 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Elks Lodge, Portland, ME
6 RN, SW & CCM Ethics credits approved
Session I
Artificial Intelligence –
Is it a Professional Case Manager’s Friend or Foe?
Lynn S. Muller, JD, BA-HCM, CCM, RN
Discuss the legal, ethical and health disparity concerns of AI in case management practice
Redefining Utilization Management: The Role of AI
Miriam Moerbe, MS, BSN, RN, Sr Clinical Integration Analyst at MCG Health
The presentation “Redefining Utilization Management: The Role of AI” discusses the transformative impact of AI on utilization management, emphasizing integration, efficiency, and safe navigation of AI technologies. Additionally, it highlights AI’s capabilities in healthcare and utilization management. Core to the discussion is the application of integrity and fidelity within the AI framework. These ethics guide AI use, focusing on explainability, evidence-based decisions, and fairness. Safe AI navigation involves learning, understanding AI recommendations, and considering workflow impacts to enhance clinical judgments and patient outcomes.
Our Health Systems: Is it Age-Friendly?
Peter Baker, LCSW
MaineHealth, Program Manager: Geriatrics, Centers for Health Improvement, Healthy Aging
Utilize the 4M framework (What Matters, Medications, Mentation, Mobility) in developing effective paths of care through system integration and collaboration
Finding the Voice of the Patient in our Automated World:
The Role of AI in the Interpretation and Translation Industry
Malvina Gregory, Director, MaineHealth Interpreter & Cross-Cultural Services
Describe the unique role that human interpreters play in fostering cross-cultural communication
Meeting People Where They’re At:
Mobile Health and Harm Reduction for Patient Experiencing Homelessness
Malia Haddock, MS, PMHNP-BC, lead clinician, CONNECT Program
Discuss harm reduction for patients with complex social and medical needs who are experiencing homelessness.